Bird zone
More than 40 species of birds,
Are you ready to meet them full of personality?
Welcome zone
Spend great time with parrots in Welcome Zone,
It is the first space you meet in the Bird Zone,
and rare large parrots having energy greet you.
You can meet parrots having beautiful colors and shapes.
Especially Red-tailed black cockatoo 'Heukmi' we named is a rare bird that can only be found in Gapyeong Begonia Bird Park in Korea.
Scarlet macaw

- Scientific name Ara macao
- Habitat Rainforest from southern Mexico to Central America, south of South America to east of Argentina
- Life 60 ~ 80years
- Size 85 ~ 90cm / 0.8 ~ 1.1kg
The bird's body is primarily covered in red colored feathers while its upper wing coverts displaying a vibrant blend of bright red, yellow, and blue feathers, giving off a rainbow-like glow.
Its diet mainly consists of fruits and nuts, though it also supplements its nutrition with flowers and nectar.
This bird often feeds on unripe fruits.
These unripe fruits have tough skins and firm flesh, and some even contain toxins that deter most other animals from eating them.
This gives the bird an advantage in food competition.
To neutralize the toxins, birds eat clay from riverbanks.
Their beaks are thick and sturdy, allowing them to crack open hard nutshells that other animals cannot easily break.
Due to excessive hunting and habitat loss from deforestation for agriculture, their population is on the decline.
Blue and yellow macaw

- Scientific name Ara ararauna
- Habitat Savannahs and rainforests in North America, from Panama to Argentina to Central America
- Life 60 ~ 80years
- Size 85 ~ 90cm / 0.9 ~ 1.2kg
The bird has a bluish tint (glass color) with green on its back, which is why it's colloquially known as "Glass Macaw" in native language.
While its entire body is blue, its cheeks are a pale yellowish-white that stretches above and below the eye and to the side.
The facial feather pattern of the Hyacinth Macaw is unique to each individual, much like a human fingerprint.
Its chest, the sides of its neck, and the interior of its wings are yellow, and its beak is black.
This species of parrot, often seen perched on pirates' shoulders in movies and other media, is widely recognized as a symbol of pirates.
This image is partly because of its rarity and the high price it fetched - ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars - making it a significant item of pirate trade.
Red and green macaw

- Scientific name Ara chloroptera
- Habitat Forests and woodlands in northern and central South America
- Life 60 ~ 80years
- Size 90 ~ 95cm / 0.9 ~ 1.5kg
Red and green macaw is often confused with the Scarlet Macaw due to their similar appearances, but they can be easily distinguished once you know the differences.
Red and green macaw has wing coverts that are mostly a mix of dark green and blue, and contrary to the Blue and yellow macaw, it has distinctive lines made of small red feathers on white skin around its eyes.
Its habits and diet are the same as other macaws.
Greater sulphur-crested cockatoo

- Scientific name Cacatua galerita galerita
- Habitat Temperate and tropical forests, savannas, grasslands, etc. of Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Oceania
- Life 60 ~ 80years
- Size 50 ~ 55cm / 700 ~ 950g
This bird is a native species of Australia, widely found in the northern and eastern parts of the continent and is characterized by its predominantly white fur, excluding its yellow crest.
Both males and females have similar physical features, but one can distinguish between them by their eye color: females have reddish-brown eyes, while males have a deeper brown hue.
In the wild, they live in groups ranging from dozens to hundreds.
During the day, they roam several kilometers in search of food, but return to their nests at night.
Their diet is omnivorous, consisting of seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects.
Major michell's cockatoo

- Scientific name Cacatua leadbeateri
- Habitat Australian semi-arid inland and subtropical regions, conifers and woodlands
- Life 40 ~ 50years
- Size 45 ~ 60cm / 320 ~ 425g
This bird has a vibrant red and yellow crest, with its tail sporting the same colors.
Its face and body are peach-colored, while the inner wing feathers have a deep pink hue.
The feathers were commonly used for decoration by Australian indigenous people.
And because its crest color and pattern resemble the ornaments of indigenous chiefs, the bird has been affectionately referred to as the "Indian Chief Parrot."
Eclectus parrot

- Scientific name Eclectus roratus
- Habitat Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea and Northeast Australia Forest, Flood Forest
- Life 40 ~ 50years
- Size 35 ~ 40cm / 450 ~ 600g
While most parrot species have identical or similar looks between males and females, the New Guinea parrot has markedly different coloration between sexes.
The male typically has a bright green body, with primary wing coverts in blue, inner wing coverts in red, and a beak in orange or yellow.
On the other hand, the female is predominantly bright red, with shoulders and inner wing coverts having a purplish hue, blue on the edges of the wings, and a black beak.
The indigenous people of New Guinea sometimes use the vibrant feathers of wild New Guinea parrots for decoration.
In the wild, they feed on various foods, including the seeds of eucalyptus and acacia, fruits, figs, hard nuts, flowers, and sprouts. They are especially fond of pomegranates and papayas.
Yellow-crowned Amazon Parrot

- Scientific name Amazona oratrix
- Habitat Mangrove forests and forest areas in Mexico and northern Central America
- Life 40 ~ 50years
- Size 38 ~ 43cm / 470 ~ 520g
The bird has a bright green body with its entire head colored yellow.
The shoulder has a hint of red, which is not evident when young but becomes more pronounced with age.
The bird's wild habitat range is limited, and its population is not large.
Due to habitat reduction and excessive capturing, its numbers have drastically decreased since the mid-1970s.
Its population has declined by more than 90% in the wild, making it highly susceptible to extinction.
It has a strong social nature and is known to live in groups of hundreds.
This bird is also famous for its singing ability, particularly for mimicking various pitches.
Its diet primarily consists of fruits, nuts, legumes, flowers, and sprouts.
African grey parrot

- Scientific name Psittacus erithacus
- Habitat Western and Central tropical forests of the African continent
- Life 40 ~ 50years
- Size 35 ~ 40cm / 402 ~407g
Only its tail and under-tail feathers are red, and the rest of its body is covered in grayish feathers, earning the nickname "Gray Parrot" It is also known for its high intelligence and is considered one of the best in language ability.
They are the largest parrot species on the African continent, usually found in pairs or large groups.
During active hours of the day, they perch on high tree branches and follow specific routes for foraging.
They are herbivores, feeding on seeds, young leaves, grains, and tree fruits.
Golden conure

- Scientific name Guaruba guarouba
- Habitat Northern Brazil, Amazon River and Basin
- Life 20 ~ 30years
- Size 34 ~ 36cm / 200 ~ 250g
This bird has a predominantly yellow color, including its tail.
When the birds are young, they have green feathers on their head and back, but their feathers become entirely yellow as they mature.
The outer feathers of the wings are covered in dark green.
Due to its attractive golden feathers, it has been subject to excessive capture, and with the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, its habitat has decreased significantly.
As a result, it is listed as a vulnerable species on the brink of extinction.
It's herbivorous, consuming a diverse diet that includes various fruits, flowers, shoots, seeds, and crops.